Cats don't have human emotions, so revenge isn't in their repertoire of behaviors. If they are having difficulty urinating, it's usually a medical problem and they should be taken to the vet to have an exam and possibly treatment. The most common urinary ailment is called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, or, FLUTD. (For a list of common ailments, see my website:
If they pass their medical exam and it's determined to be a behavior problem, it's only fair to look into the possibilities with that, too. They don't have the problem-solving abilities that we do, nor do they have the authority to change things at the house! Check this list of reasons cats may not like using their litter boxes: www.theproblemcat.com/articles/elimination.html
Often, this problem can be cleared up fairly easily, either with a round of antibiotics if it's physical, or making some changes at home if it's emotional. It can be as simple as placing the litter box in a new location!
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