Like humans, cats can have problems with dental health, often related to poor diet and lack of care. When we keep cats as pets, it's our responsibility to provide the proper foods and veterinary attention. Cats in the wild usually don't have these problems if their habitats remain natural. But even that may not be the case and wildlife experts sometimes have to intervene with remedial treatments.
To prevent problems with our pets, the best actions we can take include a diet of sufficient quality to prevent the buildup of tartar and the subsequent development of certain oral diseases or conditions, notably gingivitis, an inflammation of the gum tissue.
Gingivitis, and later actual tooth decay, account for tooth loss, pain, difficulty eating, and bad breath. This requires veterinary care before it affects the cat's immune system, as it can lead to more serious health problems, such as heart disease or other organ involvements, as well as premature aging.
Your cat should be seen for annual tooth cleaning and to check for other health issues. Keep in mind, a dental procedure, such as "scaling" (or scraping) to remove the tartar buildup, will require your cat to be anesthetized. You may wish to have your vet show you how to care for your cat's teeth at home, too, to prevent things from becoming advanced.
Most vets will recommend tooth care either daily, or at least twice a week. Use a soft toothbrush with a small head, or perhaps a bit of gauze wrapped around a finger to gently rub the teeth. It's important not to upset the cat if you want cooperation, so don't try to do too much when you first start. If you only brush a few teeth at a time, that's better than nothing.
Start slowly and let the cat sniff the brush. Be sure to use toothpaste made for pets. Never use human toothpaste, especially if it contains fluoride! It can kill your cat.
End each session with petting or cuddling to help your cat relax.
This space has been created to help cats and the people they own to better handle the various cat health problems that come up in a cat's life.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Fleas on Cats - A Case Study
Here's an interesting question I received about fleas on cats:
Dear Ms. Kitty,
My poor Xander is suffering with an itch from fleas! He has these horrible bumps all over him and he just can't relax. His fur is always "crawling" and he can't sit still for looking around as though he's thinking about scratching! We just gave him a squeeze-on flea treatment (which didn't seem to work!). He has an appetite but isn't as playful as he could be. All he does all day is sleep (which I know cats do a lot of!) but I feel like he's doing it just so he won't have to deal with the itch! I hope I'm wrong but I know his "happy-healthy" behavior and this isn't it!
I thought I might use a solution of water and peroxide to wash him with.
I'm not sure he'd be okay with a bath...if that's an option!! I'd have quite a fight on my hands! But I will do whatever is necessary!
I love the little guy.
Thanks for your help,
Skip Purvis
Dear Skip,
I think a bath is a good idea... fleas can be drowned, but it's not easy. They will migrate toward his head if his body is immersed, so you'd want to have something on his neck to kill or deter them as they arrive. Maybe a temporary flea collar. Or start the flea shampoo at the neck first, them bathe the rest of him and the fleas will jump off as they crawl to the top to get out of the water. Just be careful not to get any soap or water in his eyes or ears.
If you have any fleas in the house, sprinkle some DE (diatomaceous earth) around the perimeter of the room and under his bedding, and especially under the couch cushions, etc.
You can sprinkle it on him, too. It's like talcum powder, so you can sprinkle it on then rub it in. If he licks it, it's safe, and might even help "clean out the pipes" if he has swallowed any of the little buggers.
Just be sure the DE is the safe kind..."food grade," not for gardening or yards. I'm glad to know that your Xander is an inside kitty, so picking them up by being outside won't be an issue. But it's no guarantee. Fleas are perfectly capable of hopping into your house on their own!
Not sure the peroxide would do anything. Probably get better results with a good flea shampoo, as that clogs up the respiratory spiracles of the fleas. Ask your vet which one is best.
Here's a link to a book about flea control from a friend who knows more about it than I do:
Flea Control Secrets
Here's another link with free info:
When I have to bathe a cat, I use a bucket. It seems to help with keeping them under control. Not so easy to jump out and those hind legs are contained. Still have to watch for the front claws, though!
You can also try brushing him often with a stiff bristle brush to help with the itching and removing particles and loose fur.
If he's having a skin reaction, he may be allergic to the fleas.
Here are some remedies for the "hot spots" on his skin:
First, be sure his itchy spots are clean. You may have to shave or clip his hair down to the skin at those locations. Wash with a gentle, unscented, pure soap, and rinse well.
Tea: Brew a cup of strong tea and dissolve an aspirin in it. Soak a small cloth or cotton ball and place that on the itchy, sore spots for several minutes, 4 times a day.
Vinegar: Soak a cloth or cotton ball and place on the itchy spots as above, 4 times a day. Use apple cider vinegar. It's also safe to drink, so don't worry if your cat licks it off. It might even help "detox" him, too.
Good luck!
Dear Ms. Kitty,
Y'know, I really wasn't expecting much from the whole apple cider vinegar thing but I'm here to tell ya...Awesome! On his first day of application (spraying it on his brush and brushing him), he already seems more comfortable!!
I'm just so happy! Hard to believe that we'd see such "immediate" results. And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but he really seems more comfortable. He's not twitching constantly...AND his coat is soft and smooth!! However, he is getting wise to my "put it on his brush" trick and it's getting harder to corner him for the brushing...the odor is quite intense, but he's been tolerating it!
Finally this evening he's become more like his ol' self! More playful, eating more and generally BETTER!
Thanks again for the tip! How exciting! Just had to let you know right away. I know you understand having a "sick"'s like your own child sick! When we finally find how to love them, it's real! I love this little guy so much! When he hurts, I hurt and when he feels better...
Anyway, YAHOO!!! He's been laying on my chest loving on me since he started feeling more comfortable feels so nice.
Dear Ms. Kitty,
My poor Xander is suffering with an itch from fleas! He has these horrible bumps all over him and he just can't relax. His fur is always "crawling" and he can't sit still for looking around as though he's thinking about scratching! We just gave him a squeeze-on flea treatment (which didn't seem to work!). He has an appetite but isn't as playful as he could be. All he does all day is sleep (which I know cats do a lot of!) but I feel like he's doing it just so he won't have to deal with the itch! I hope I'm wrong but I know his "happy-healthy" behavior and this isn't it!
I thought I might use a solution of water and peroxide to wash him with.
I'm not sure he'd be okay with a bath...if that's an option!! I'd have quite a fight on my hands! But I will do whatever is necessary!
I love the little guy.
Thanks for your help,
Skip Purvis
Dear Skip,
I think a bath is a good idea... fleas can be drowned, but it's not easy. They will migrate toward his head if his body is immersed, so you'd want to have something on his neck to kill or deter them as they arrive. Maybe a temporary flea collar. Or start the flea shampoo at the neck first, them bathe the rest of him and the fleas will jump off as they crawl to the top to get out of the water. Just be careful not to get any soap or water in his eyes or ears.
If you have any fleas in the house, sprinkle some DE (diatomaceous earth) around the perimeter of the room and under his bedding, and especially under the couch cushions, etc.
You can sprinkle it on him, too. It's like talcum powder, so you can sprinkle it on then rub it in. If he licks it, it's safe, and might even help "clean out the pipes" if he has swallowed any of the little buggers.
Just be sure the DE is the safe kind..."food grade," not for gardening or yards. I'm glad to know that your Xander is an inside kitty, so picking them up by being outside won't be an issue. But it's no guarantee. Fleas are perfectly capable of hopping into your house on their own!
Not sure the peroxide would do anything. Probably get better results with a good flea shampoo, as that clogs up the respiratory spiracles of the fleas. Ask your vet which one is best.
Here's a link to a book about flea control from a friend who knows more about it than I do:
Flea Control Secrets
Here's another link with free info:
When I have to bathe a cat, I use a bucket. It seems to help with keeping them under control. Not so easy to jump out and those hind legs are contained. Still have to watch for the front claws, though!
You can also try brushing him often with a stiff bristle brush to help with the itching and removing particles and loose fur.
If he's having a skin reaction, he may be allergic to the fleas.
Here are some remedies for the "hot spots" on his skin:
First, be sure his itchy spots are clean. You may have to shave or clip his hair down to the skin at those locations. Wash with a gentle, unscented, pure soap, and rinse well.
Tea: Brew a cup of strong tea and dissolve an aspirin in it. Soak a small cloth or cotton ball and place that on the itchy, sore spots for several minutes, 4 times a day.
Vinegar: Soak a cloth or cotton ball and place on the itchy spots as above, 4 times a day. Use apple cider vinegar. It's also safe to drink, so don't worry if your cat licks it off. It might even help "detox" him, too.
Good luck!
Dear Ms. Kitty,
Y'know, I really wasn't expecting much from the whole apple cider vinegar thing but I'm here to tell ya...Awesome! On his first day of application (spraying it on his brush and brushing him), he already seems more comfortable!!
I'm just so happy! Hard to believe that we'd see such "immediate" results. And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but he really seems more comfortable. He's not twitching constantly...AND his coat is soft and smooth!! However, he is getting wise to my "put it on his brush" trick and it's getting harder to corner him for the brushing...the odor is quite intense, but he's been tolerating it!
Finally this evening he's become more like his ol' self! More playful, eating more and generally BETTER!
Thanks again for the tip! How exciting! Just had to let you know right away. I know you understand having a "sick"'s like your own child sick! When we finally find how to love them, it's real! I love this little guy so much! When he hurts, I hurt and when he feels better...
Anyway, YAHOO!!! He's been laying on my chest loving on me since he started feeling more comfortable feels so nice.
Related articles
- How To Get Rid Of Fleas (
- Does Your Cat or Dog Have Fleas? (
- Natural Pet Care - How to treat for Ticks and Fleas
- Fleas? In the Winter?? (
- How You Can Stop Flea Infestations Forever (
Friday, March 2, 2012
Birth Control For Cats Using FeralStat
By contrast, it's virtualy impossible to trap, transport, and pay for very many cats without the help and cooperation of other volunteers and at least one veterinarian.
We need to contact veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies to re-release the drugs that were available for more than 30 years.
(Some of the information for this article is from
Here is some information to help in this quest:
Name of drug: Megestrol Acetate (Feral Stat)
Email: info @ (They are collecting reports from people in the field who have experience using Feral Stat and want to hear how it has helped them in controlling stray and feral populations. Only send useful information; do not write to complain or ask about something.)
If enough people raise the issue, perhaps we can help each other help more cats.
Related articles
- Group training volunteers to catch, fix and release feral cats to keep numbers in check (
- Animal groups begin offering spay/neuter clinics to reduce Carlisle's stray-cat population (
- Push to get feral cats sterilized (
- A Call for Action (
- Animal Groups Target Feral Cats for Sterilization (
Friday, February 10, 2012
What if All the Cats in the World Suddenly Died?
As much as some people might think it would be a good idea to completely eradicate any animal they view as a pest, it's a completely stupid idea. What if someone didn't like bees and found a way to eliminate them? While we may never find out what a world without cats might look like, we may actually get to find out what happens when there are no bees.
According to an article by Dr. Mercola:
However, ecological changes would be just as drastic with the loss of all cats.
"Cats play a critical role in keeping the rodent population down. If there were no cats, we'd be overrun with rats."
Read more:
According to an article by Dr. Mercola:
"Honeybees are perhaps one of the least recognized workers in the agricultural industry. They contribute $15 billion in annual agriculture revenue to the U.S. economy alone, as a full one-third of the U.S. food supply depends on them pollinating crops.
"Apple orchards, for instance, require one colony of bees per acre in order to be adequately pollinated. So, unless the mysterious disappearance of bees is reversed, major food shortages could result."
Read more:, ecological changes would be just as drastic with the loss of all cats.
"Cats play a critical role in keeping the rodent population down. If there were no cats, we'd be overrun with rats."
Read more:
- What Would Happen if All of the Cats in the World Suddenly Died? (
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Five Ways to Prevent Cat Health Problems
The following 5 steps will help ensure that your best friend can live as long and healthy as possible under your care.
It's important to do what we can to protect our cats because they are totally at our mercy, living in our homes, where they are exposed to many of the same toxins and hazards that we are. But they are smaller, and not able to make decisions about their environment, so it's up to us to provide optimal conditions that lead to continued health and happiness.
Another significant reason to make the effort to keep them healthy is the reduction in medical problems that can result in costly trips to the veterinarian. To be sure you keep your kitty healthy, focus on these areas:
1. Diet. Always read the ingredient labels on any commercial food you buy. Remember that cats are obligate carnivores and require more protein than most pets, such as dogs. Canned, or wet, food is a good choice over dry kibble because it has a higher water content and can help minimize the risk of kidney disease. Organic pet foods are becoming more popular and are worth your attention, too, because of the higher quality ingredients.
2. Water. Be sure your cat always has fresh, clear water at all times. One way to be sure kitty gets enough to drink is to keep it in a separate location from the food. Cats in nature don't eat and drink at the same meal, and tamed cats don't do it either, unless they have no choice. Also, if the tap water in your area is full of chemicals and you drink filtered water, then by all means, give your cat the same consideration.
3. Nutritional supplements. Do you take your vitamins every day? Cats may need some, too, and there are many on the market now, as more and more people realize the need to provide proper nutrition to their pets. Rather than trying to figure out which vitamins and minerals are needed and then buying them separately, try to find a good all around supplement. A very good formula, along with a free ebook about feline nutrition, can be obtained here:
4. Love and attention. Many people think cats are aloof and have no feelings, but that's completely untrue. Cats are very emotional beings and only appear aloof when people ignore them and they are forced to survive under whatever conditions are present. Scientific studies have proven that love and attention play a major role in the health and well being of people, dogs and other creatures. Why not cats?
5. Minimize toxins at home. Just as you might keep small objects and toxic cleaning supplies out of reach of toddlers, do the same for your cat. They are just as curious as children are and can get into dangerous substances and items that can harm them. Also, if you smoke, your cat is smoking, too. Their lungs are much much smaller and will be affected more severely than yours are. If you must smoke, do so in an area away from your cat, kids, other pets, and anyone who could be sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke.
By just observing these tips, your cat can live a healthy and happy life for as long as possible.
It's important to do what we can to protect our cats because they are totally at our mercy, living in our homes, where they are exposed to many of the same toxins and hazards that we are. But they are smaller, and not able to make decisions about their environment, so it's up to us to provide optimal conditions that lead to continued health and happiness.
Another significant reason to make the effort to keep them healthy is the reduction in medical problems that can result in costly trips to the veterinarian. To be sure you keep your kitty healthy, focus on these areas:
1. Diet. Always read the ingredient labels on any commercial food you buy. Remember that cats are obligate carnivores and require more protein than most pets, such as dogs. Canned, or wet, food is a good choice over dry kibble because it has a higher water content and can help minimize the risk of kidney disease. Organic pet foods are becoming more popular and are worth your attention, too, because of the higher quality ingredients.
2. Water. Be sure your cat always has fresh, clear water at all times. One way to be sure kitty gets enough to drink is to keep it in a separate location from the food. Cats in nature don't eat and drink at the same meal, and tamed cats don't do it either, unless they have no choice. Also, if the tap water in your area is full of chemicals and you drink filtered water, then by all means, give your cat the same consideration.
3. Nutritional supplements. Do you take your vitamins every day? Cats may need some, too, and there are many on the market now, as more and more people realize the need to provide proper nutrition to their pets. Rather than trying to figure out which vitamins and minerals are needed and then buying them separately, try to find a good all around supplement. A very good formula, along with a free ebook about feline nutrition, can be obtained here:
4. Love and attention. Many people think cats are aloof and have no feelings, but that's completely untrue. Cats are very emotional beings and only appear aloof when people ignore them and they are forced to survive under whatever conditions are present. Scientific studies have proven that love and attention play a major role in the health and well being of people, dogs and other creatures. Why not cats?
5. Minimize toxins at home. Just as you might keep small objects and toxic cleaning supplies out of reach of toddlers, do the same for your cat. They are just as curious as children are and can get into dangerous substances and items that can harm them. Also, if you smoke, your cat is smoking, too. Their lungs are much much smaller and will be affected more severely than yours are. If you must smoke, do so in an area away from your cat, kids, other pets, and anyone who could be sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke.
By just observing these tips, your cat can live a healthy and happy life for as long as possible.
Animal Nutrition,
feline health,
Pet Food,
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