Monday, August 20, 2007

7 Tips To Help Kitty Stay Young and Healthy

Follow these 7 tips to avoid the most common cat health problems:

1. No people food. Well, keep it to a minimum. Some of our
little buddies go nuts for some of the silliest things. I
have one who would kill for pizza crust. So, I give in now
and then. But just a tiny bit of it, and not often. Just
enough to let her know I'm paying attention to her requests.
But most of our human food provides little nutritive value
for cats (for us, either!), and may even be detrimental.

2. Use treats sparingly. Some cats absolutely love those
very tasty treats and may try to convince you to use them
exclusively as their primary food. Don't let kitty talk
you into this. They are usually very high calorie and
could make your little buddy become your large buddy!

3. Keep the overall caloric daily intake to a reasonable
level. Check with your vet to find out what your cat's
requirements are. Like people, cats have individual needs,
too. Also, balance diet with exercise. You can walk with
your cat outdoors with a leash (if kitty is trained to do so), or if
kept exclusively indoors, be sure to engage in daily play times.

4. Maintain good oral hygiene. If your cat will allow it,
brush her teeth often. If not, check with your vet to find
out how to do it, or to obtain dental treats. Did you know
that gum disease is the greatest source of health problems
in cats? Good dental and gum care will prevent some very
painful problems that can shorten your cat's life.

5. Keep kitty safe indoors. This is probably one of the best
things you can do to lengthen your cat's life. The risks of
being outside include: disease, predators, traffic, poison
(either accidental or otherwise), and other hazards.

6. Indoor cats need more play time than outdoor cats.
This means more attention from you, which is good for
both of you anyway. Be sure kitty's toys are safe. A ball
of yarn is not safe, for example, as a cat could swallow some
and get into trouble with a twisted bowel, requiring surgery.
If you do play with string or yarn, be sure to always be present to
prevent her from swallowing any.

7. Regualr vet visits. Get your vet's advice on any changes in your
cat's routines to be sure they don't signal illness.

For more great info on cat health problems, visit this site:

Cat Health Secrets